
Showing posts from June, 2018

Potential narratives

Narrative 1   A young boy is pictured ending communications with a girl. This will take place within a greyish location with dull colours. Seen walking away from  each other . This will be a short sequence of shots (5 secs) but will establish the video.   The music begins and the mood of the whole video changes. The boy is seen going on holiday to a party island with a few friends. With an initial shot at the airport and the boy is seen travelling abroad. A montage of shots resumes with a relatively quick cutting rate and bright colours.   The boy is seen partying in a foreign location. The use of location will be important, picturing coastal areas, cars  and sunsets in a form of montage to increase the overall excitement. Through the use of camerawork I will represent thoughts and memories of the male character thinking of the female character initially distinguished and adds to why he may have negatives thoughts about her. The sense of na...

Digital convergence of products

The branding of a media product must establish a strong sense of continuity over a range of media platforms, this reinforces the strength of the brand and clearly references that the agglomeration of products relates to the same artist and song. I want to create a relationship between colour and the brand and to regularly use turquoise blues over both media products and saturated colour pallets. As well, I will use marketing techniques, the first of which will be a link from the website to the video and integrate QR codes into the music video to improve the overall continuity.

Website statement of intent

I plan to create a website which follows the conventions and codes of a dance music promotional website, within two pages, which carries a consistent house style throughout and acts as a reinforced tool to promote the artist and his product. The website will include some exclusive material, this may be an interview or an outtakes video. I also plan for the website to include a menu bar which will include links to other parts of the website, I plan to include  ‘ merchandise ’ ,  ‘ tour dates ’ ,  ‘ music ’ and finally  ‘ video. The use of social media will add a sense of interactivity with the audience. This will also add a tailored and personal touch and appeal to audiences between the ages of 16-28. Moreover, this will allow for the website to remain up to date and relevant with the constant variances in popular culture. The website will be minimalist and will evidence large texts and images with the opening page being a slowly fading montage of summery images, th...

Statement of intent

Statement of intent I plan to employ a range of media language to create a video which encapsulates emotions of happiness, friendship in the face of adverse situations. The product will be targeted towards 16-28 year olds with an interest in dance music and actively partake in party activities. I also look to align with the values of Future House Music and create a platform for developing house music artists, I plan to do this by presenting positive ideologies and an accepting aura surrounding the video. The video will feature a narrative detailing the effect on which a breakup can have on teens, using the artist to truly engage the audience. I plan to use a range of locations including suburban England, an airport and a coastal landscape. The contrasting locations will permeate a sense of escapism; hence breaking perceived gender roles and offering subversive representations. I will utilize casual summer attire to represent and amplify the enjoyment and jovial emotions whic...

Conventions of Dance Music Video I will include

A representation of some form of character which the audience aligns with and have an understanding of this person’s values and actions.  A song. Multiple locations must be used to create some form of narrative. Consider the use of lighting and what effect this has on emotions. Consider camera angle, movement, height and zoom when framing locations and actions and what will be most effective. Use image distortion or some form of image manipulation to good effect. Consider all aspects of mise-en-scene to depth using props, costume and reference character blocking. Use an array of editing techniques especially focusing on shot length and the composition of shots. Use establishing shots so audiences can get an understanding of character, locations and emotions that this may put across. I ncorporate some aspect of dance culture e.g. this could be somebody dancing or a scene within a club. Some specific shots may include cheering and clinking glasses and cups and ext...

Mood board


Target Audience

Target Audience   I would like to appeal to the young party-goer, festival attendant and potentially party abroad kind of character. Somebody who romanticises with experiences rather than material objects who spend a fair proportion of their income on living out these desired experiences.   The age range would potentially start at 16 where audiences are beginning to become interested in festivals etc. I would extend this age range to around 26-28 where people gradually to lose some interest. But that age range is certainly the  prime time for people interested in ‘rave culture’.   There is no real gender differentiation however I feel the video may be more inclined towards a female audience who may romanticise with these experiences more .   I feel lik e the boys who this would appeal  to   would wear slim jeans, short sleeve t shirt and a baseball hat shopping at places like  asos , topman etc. The girls would wear flared trouse...

Why I chose Bad Vibe


First 10 shots of Calvin Harris Summer

Music Videos that inspire me

WHTKD - Say to me

Spike Jonze