Potential narratives
Narrative 1 A young boy is pictured ending communications with a girl. This will take place within a greyish location with dull colours. Seen walking away from each other . This will be a short sequence of shots (5 secs) but will establish the video. The music begins and the mood of the whole video changes. The boy is seen going on holiday to a party island with a few friends. With an initial shot at the airport and the boy is seen travelling abroad. A montage of shots resumes with a relatively quick cutting rate and bright colours. The boy is seen partying in a foreign location. The use of location will be important, picturing coastal areas, cars and sunsets in a form of montage to increase the overall excitement. Through the use of camerawork I will represent thoughts and memories of the male character thinking of the female character initially distinguished and adds to why he may have negatives thoughts about her. The sense of na...