Conventions of Dance Music Video I will include

A representation of some form of character which the audience aligns with and have an understanding of this person’s values and actions. 
A song.
Multiple locations must be used to create some form of narrative.
Consider the use of lighting and what effect this has on emotions.
Consider camera angle, movement, height and zoom when framing locations and actions and what will be most effective.
Use image distortion or some form of image manipulation to good effect.
Consider all aspects of mise-en-scene to depth using props, costume and reference character blocking.
Use an array of editing techniques especially focusing on shot length and the composition of shots.
Use establishing shots so audiences can get an understanding of character, locations and emotions that this may put across.
Incorporate some aspect of dance culture e.g. this could be somebody dancing or a scene within a club.
Some specific shots may include cheering and clinking glasses and cups and extreme long-shot establishing images of a club strip or party environment.
Offer interesting representations of social groups subverting some stereotypes and conforming to others to create a complete and interesting mix.
Offer a sense of equilibrium with the video ending in a state of resolution.
Offer some representation of relationships e.g. an intimate relationship or friendship, conventionally this may be shown through kissing or hand holding. Further evidenced by the Say To Me video...


  1. Some great research. Don't neglect specifics, especially when considering the mise-en-scene, so you have a great basis for genre conventions.


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