
Showing posts from November, 2017

"There is no such thing as an original text"

“There is no such thing as an original text”  The concept of an original text is one of great ambiguity and discussion, in the Modern day there are a multitude of laws and regulations defining what categorises as an original text. Yet the argument that nothing can be classed as original text is still one of eligibility as ones actions could be proclaimed to be a manifestation of past occurrences and events.  Throughout a lifetime humans experience a great amount of media texts and it could be argued that this shapes our future and our outlook on life. Through a wide exposure to media texts and opinions subjective viewpoints are natural, therefore any text produced is more a physical representation of past events rather than an exhibition of creative human behaviour and thought. The idea of impressionability must also be recognised; humans can easily be persuaded or inspired by media texts whether it’s propaganda or a film. Further gravitas is given to this argument when...